Monday, January 11, 2010

New Phase . . ooyeahhh!!!

well, wat 2 say . . a new phase has jus begun today officially.seems like yesterday i thought dat i could fly.hmmmm. wat a drag, jus say it . . it's so damn-tired-blur-well sick day. yeahh . . dat wat i called it.never take it back.

for the past 3 phases, they rock my life up n down, shake it a little bit.true story.but wat i really want to say is that this new phase will drive me crazy from milisecond 2 milisecond.that's why people called medical student wit a specific term, well known as 'nerd'.i bet u know it.don't no no. . .

of course u bitch, we need to update our brain system wit new dat we won't forget n get 'ass kick' by the devil.opsss . . by lecturer.not all but some of them.if u everyday see this type of lecturer, i honestly assume dat the hell is not scary enough for u.this not a true story.

this week,my scedule really pain in the ass.needs to go to private clinic individually.sit there the entire day by observing,learning,speaking,data writing n not forget dreaming, . . the last 2 i jus made it up.

the true nature of human being is get rid of matter how small it is.but for doctor they seek for problem.they will bagging,on their knee for people to tell their problem.what a drag . . jus keep it rollin'

everyday is a new buckle up.we going to the moon. zZzZzZzZz . . .

1 owg cakap:

fara_kemeqa said...

huhu...streeessss...u stresskan??huhu giliran saye lak nant...

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